FORM is an opportunity for the whole family to be encouraged and equipped to share the good news of Jesus and to meet other families on a similar journey.  We will have time together as families worshipping and sharing the stories of God at work and we will have times for kids and youth to be with their peers and some downtime as families and teams to connect and explore the beautiful outdoor spaces together.


Our littlest FORM delegates (2 -5 years) will will create, play and talk about God who is with us. Babies and toddlers are also welcome to use the space anytime, but will need a carer with them.

Primary School

Kids will be exploring the timeless stories of God’s people and what it looks like for us to share the amazing good news of Jesus.


Youth will be supported to participate alongside the adults, including main sessions and workshops together. Encouraging each other to see the purpose God has for us.

FORM Kids & Youth Team
